3Д CMM HORIZON automatic 1000x2000x800

Aberlink (UK)

New product

Aberlink Horizon 1000x2000x800 Automatic Submicron Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) for precision inspection of large parts.

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4 118 400,00грн

Data sheet

Measuring range ,mm 1000x2000x800
Type Automatic
Погрешность , мкм 1,75+L/250
Дискретность , мкм 0.1
Максимальная нагрузка та стол , кг 1000

More info

Aberlink Horizon 1000x2000x800 Automatic Submicron Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) for precision inspection of large parts.
This UK test machine was introduced in 2020 and has a number of innovations over the competition.
The main improvement is new non-contact drives that improve machine speed (1020mm / sec2), extend life and significantly improve smoothness, especially when working with Renishaw scanning probes. The resolution of the CMM coordinates is 0.1 microns.
An automatic temperature compensation system is already included in the basic package.
Reinforced structure allows to take up to 1 ton load on the granite table.
This CMM is already equipped as standard with everything you need to operate: intuitive Aberlink software, an embedded industrial PC, a rotary measuring head and a small Renishaw stylus package.
Optionally, the machine can be retrofitted with advanced and scanning measuring heads Renishaw RTP20, PH10T, PH10M, PH20, MH20i, interchangeable optical camera for 2D measurements, CAD modules for software.
MICROTECH carries out the installation and calibration of coordinate measuring machines, training and support during the warranty and post-warranty period of operation. Annual recalibration of the measuring machine is possible.


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