Outside micrometer 1600-1800 mm

МІКРОТЕХ (Україна)

New product

Outside micrometer MICROTECH with range 1800 mm

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146 880,00грн

Data sheet

Measuring range ,mm 1600-1800
Accuracy, mm ±0,015
Resolution ,mm 0.01
Analog indication +

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Outside micrometer MICROTECH with range 1800 mm 
MICROTECH use on this micrometer analog micrometer head ( 0,01mm) Micrometer head, measuring surfaces and setting rods are hand finished.
All outside micrometers equipped with setting rod and packed in wooden box.
Its possible to manufacturing special ranges and gauge configuration for customers request.
All MICROTECH micrometers pass metrological control in ISO 17025 accredited laboratory (Ilac) with calibration protocol.

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