GalvanoTest 3000 Galvanic Coating Thickness Gauge

GalvanoTest 3000

ElektroPhysik (Germany)

New product

Thickness is determined by measuring the distance of a reference ball to the sensor tip. The reference ball is attracted by a powerful magnet positioned directly behind the sensor tip. The steel reference balls are treated according to a specialised ElektroPhysik procedure which allows reproducibility of test results of up to 0.5%.

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562 752,00грн

Data sheet

Country of manufacture Germany
Resolution ,mm 0,00001

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MiniTest 7400 FH: A high-end device for wall thickness measurement

An SIDSP sensor means the MiniTest 7400 FH provides high-precision measurement and reproducibility while compensating for the influence of temperatures in the measuring environment and in the object being measured. Sensors are equipped with carbide tips making them particularly durable.

The MiniTest 7400 FH functions as follows: Thickness is determined by measuring the distance of a reference ball to the sensor tip. The reference ball is attracted by a powerful magnet positioned directly behind the sensor tip. The steel reference balls are treated according to a specialised ElektroPhysik procedure which allows reproducibility of test results of up to 0.5%.

A graphic display and common PC functions (context-specific help, saving of readings in a folder structure, navigating via menus displaying symbols and text) makes the MiniTest 7400 FH extremely easy to use. A user guide is available in 6 languages (German/English/Spanish/French/Italian/Portuguese).

Non-destructive wall thickness measurement of:

  • Non-magnetic materials like synthetic materials, glass, ceramic, non-ferrous metals…
  • All kinds of hollow items like bottles, aluminium cans, glass and plastic containers with complex geometries…
  • Thermo-moulded parts like cups, cans, bowls…
  • Die-cast and moulded plastic parts, fibre compound materials, non-ferrous metals etc., for e.g. in the automotive field (gear casing, body and interior components), in avionics (turbine components, combustion chambers, high-pressure pipes), in the medical field…
  • Precision in wall thickness measurement of up to 24 mm
  • Greater accuracy and repeatability by the sensor-integrated digital signal processing (SIDSP®)
  • High resolution upwards of 0.1 µm
  • 20 readings per second
  • Wear-resistant sensors with hardened sensor tips
  • Recording and statistical evaluation of up to 240,000 readings
  • Display of minimum and maximum values
  • Menu-driven operator interface
  • Context-oriented online help
  • RS 232 TTL and IrDa 1.0 interfaces

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