Protractor type 3-5


МІКРОТЕХ (Україна)

New product

Angle gauge type 3-5 is designed to measure angles in the range of 0-360 degrees with an accuracy of +- 5 angular minutes.

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5 702,40грн

Data sheet

Country of manufacture Ukraine
Measuring range ,mm 0-360°
Accuracy, mm ±5'
Resolution ,mm 5’
Base 150,200,300 мм
Indication Analog

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MICROTECH produces high quality type 3-5 angle meters according to ISO 9001:2008 in accordance with TU 33.2-30291682-004-2004.
Angle gauge type 3-5 is designed to measure angles in the range of 0-360 degrees with an accuracy of +- 5 angular minutes. Anglemeter type 3-5 is completed with a base of 150 and 300 mm and has many variations of measurements.
The main difference of the MIcROTECH type 3-5 angle meters is precise engraving of the scale, clear strokes, easy zero adjustment, manual surface finish, magnifying glass for easy reading. Material of angle gauge is high quality stainless steel.
The MIKROTECH type 3-5 angle-meters are registered in the State Register of Ukraine № 2074-09.
All MIKROTECH angle meters undergo metrological control in the ISO17025 accredited metrology laboratory of MICROTECH.

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