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Vice metalwork reinforced with an anvil York Titan 250


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Reinforced bench vice York has a jaw width of 250 mm.

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97 344,00грн

Data sheet

Country of manufacture Чехия
Weight, kg 45
Jaw width, mm 250
Material Чугун

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MICROTECH offers high quality Czech York vice in Ukraine.
Reinforced bench vice York has a jaw width of 250 mm.
Reinforced design allows the use of these vices in industrial plants. York vise is equipped with a high precision cylindrical guide. Vise body material - cast iron. The high quality hardened steel jaws have a hardness of 45-50 HRC.
A distinctive feature of the York vise (Czech Republic) is its reinforced structure, the highest quality of the body and painting, which favorably distinguishes it from the Chinese and Indian vices.
MICROTECH provides a 12-month Warranty for York Locksmith Vise.

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