Laboratory equipment MICROTECH® is divided into general laboratory, measuring, specialty, testing and analytical equipment. Below you can find different measuring equipment for laboratories from MICROTECH®.
Since 2005, the mass production of the European range of laboratory equipment in the ISO 9001:2000 (since 2010 - re-accreditation ISO 9001:20...
Laboratory equipment MICROTECH® is divided into general laboratory, measuring, specialty, testing and analytical equipment. Below you can find different measuring equipment for laboratories from MICROTECH®.
Since 2005, the mass production of the European range of laboratory equipment in the ISO 9001:2000 (since 2010 - re-accreditation ISO 9001:2008) quality system.
TRC, FMS Steinmeyer, Koba, FerTer, Mahr.
Swiss horizontal Trimos long-lengths for high-precision measurement of parts up to 2000mm and calibration of gauges, plugs, measuring instruments (calipers, micrometers, calipers, indicator and micrometer indicators, length measures).
There are workshop, laboratory versions of long meters with a resolution of up to 1 nanometer.
They are equipped with PCs with metrological control software.
MICROTECH® torque wrenches designed to measure and control the torque of a force when tightening both right and left threaded connections.
Scale torque wrenches, designed to measure the torque of a force, are available with a pointer (КМДИ) and digital (КМДЦ) indication. КМДИ keys are distinguished by rather high accuracy for this type of keys and the possibility of fixing the measurement after unloading.
КМДЦ keys are high-precision devices, which, in addition to the main purpose, can be used as part of the standard measuring complexes of the second category. These keys have the ability to work in the alarm mode to achieve the required value of the torque force, as well as the standard RS-232 interface for communication with a PC.
The limit torque wrenches MICROTECH® (КМДП) are designed to control the torque of the force when tightening threaded connections with the right thread. The reference torque of the force is set according to the vernier applied to the key handle drum. The keys are distinguished by increased accuracy (up to 5%), as well as ease of operation and maintainability.
MICROTECH offers portable and laboratory devices for measuring surface profile and roughness:
MICROTECH OSHP roughness samples for visual evaluation of surface roughness
HANDYSURF and SURFCOM TOUCH profilometers manufactured by ACCRETECH (Japan)
Laboratory and portable MarSurf profilometers manufactured by MAHR (Germany).
Stationary profilometers Surfcom Nex for profile and roughness measurement manufactured by ACCRETECH (Japan)
Stationary laboratory profilometers MarSurf for profile and roughness measurement manufactured by MAHR (Germany).
Non-contact nano-profilometers Trimos (Switzerland)
All profilometers, profilometer profilographs, macro-profile meters, sets of roughness measures undergo 100% metrological control in the accredited ISO17025 metrology laboratory MICROTECH .
MICROTECH provides warranty and post-warranty service.
MICROTECH offers stands for calibrating digital and analog indicators, calipers, rulers, tape measures and stands for special tasks produced by Kharkiv MICROTECH and European manufacturers Sylvac, FMS-Steinmeyer.
Indicator stands are divided into manual, semi-automatic and automatic with an optical indicator control system. The discreteness of the stand can reach 0.01 microns.
MICROTECH custom-made manufactures specialized stands for monitoring the geometrical parameters of ceramic tiles and stone slabs, macro profiles.
Metallography is a method of examination and control of metals, the preparation and study of the structure of the thin sections in a metallographic microscope. The structure of the studied sample is revealed by etching, or cutting, grinding and polishing the sample. Sample preparation is one of the first steps for metallography and is extremely important in metallography. Quality sample preparation will have a positive effect on the final results of metallography. A lot depends on the quality of sample preparation equipment, e.g. repeatability of material properties from sample to sample.
MICROTECH® grinding and polishing machines are designed for grinding and polishing samples during metallographic studies.
Sample cutting machines are designed for cutting samples during metallographic studies.
For modernization of old machines, microscopes, IZM linear scales WTA and WTV which are linear converters of mechanical movements in an electric signal are applied. The sensitive element captures the mutual movement of the movable and immovable parts of the scale.
The readings transmitted by the scales are displayed using the digital reading units WE-6800 and WE-100. Information from digital reading units can be transmitted to a PC.
MICROTECH® at the request of the customer makes installation of BCI and linear scales, the state certification (if necessary).
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Shape deviation is the deviation of a real surface from a geometric or nominal one. The surface roughness is not taken into account.
To determine the deviation of the shape of flat surfaces most often use the mechanical method, which uses the following FTA: - test lines SP, SD, CMM, UT (rectangular, I-beam, bridges, triangular) of steel and granite up to 8000 mm. 0, 1 and 2; - Plates testing, granite and steel, the sizes to 6000 mm kl.00, 0 and 1; - Rulers local LD, LT, LC (with a bilateral bevel, triangular, quadrilateral) kl.00, 0 and 1; - Precision impression-molding materials.
Kharkiv Microtech ® produces in Europe the most complete range of rulers and calibration plates (including lightweight and granite) in the ISO9001: 2008 quality system at the absolutely best price thanks to Kharkiv grinding and calibration