
Measuring microscopes

- manufacturing by MICROTECH (Ukraine)

- universal measuring microscope UIM is designed for linear and angular measurements in rectangular and polar coordinates. The principle of operation is based on the optical sighting method. In the process of measuring the image of the measured object (details) is observed in the field of view of the eyepie...

- manufacturing by MICROTECH (Ukraine)

- universal measuring microscope UIM is designed for linear and angular measurements in rectangular and polar coordinates. The principle of operation is based on the optical sighting method. In the process of measuring the image of the measured object (details) is observed in the field of view of the eyepiece. The measurement results are read using reference microscopes and bar scales or digitally using a digital display unit and a PC.

- Universal microscopes are used to measure threaded products, complex profile templates, scales, cams, cones, worm cutters, taps, hole diameters, gears, as well as radii of curvature and distance between holes in the longitudinal (up to 200 mm) and in transverse (up to 100 mm) direction in reflected and transmitted light.


Діапазон вимір. по осям, mm 200х100x100
Збільшення, крат 10-50x 10-65х
Розмір. робочого стола, мм 260х270
Макс. висота деталі, мм 140
Дискретність відліку по осям, мкм 1 0,2
Зчитування вимірювань спіральний мікроскоп дисплей з принтером ПК зі спец. ПЗ
Похибка не більше, мкм 1+L/100
Поворот головки, град ±360°, крок 1'
Наклон колони, град ±12°, крок 30'
Макс. вага деталі, кг 40
Умови експлуатації 20±1 °С, відносн. вологість 60%
Габарити, мм 1300x1250x800
Вага,кг 450
Ціна, Євро 39000 38000 41000



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