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Hardness tester
Hardness is a property of a material that characterizes the resistance of local plastic
deformation that occurs when a more solid body (indenter) is introduced into this material.
     Hardness is measured by hardness testers that are classified by standards (ISO and ASTM)
according to methods for determining hardness readings:
      1. ROCKWELL HAR...
Hardness is a property of a material that characterizes the resistance of local plastic
deformation that occurs when a more solid body (indenter) is introduced into this material.
     Hardness is measured by hardness testers that are classified by standards (ISO and ASTM)
according to methods for determining hardness readings:
      1. ROCKWELL HARDNESS TESTERS measuring hardness measure the residual
increment in the depth of the tip after unloading:
         - on a scale HRA - control of superhard alloys by the indenter "diamond cone",
         - on a scale HRB - control of materials of medium hardness by an indenter "steel ball",
         - on a scale HRC - control of hardened and tempered parts, indenter "diamond cone".
       2. BRINELL HARDNESS TESTERS (HB, HBW scales) according to the indentation
diameter control the hardness of non-hardened steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals, soft bearing
alloys by means of a steel carbide ball with a diameter from 1.0 to 10.0 mm.
       3. VIKKERS HARDNESS TESTERS (HV scale) along the diagonal of the print of the
diamond pyramid control the hardness of small products, thin materials, coatings and films.
      4. SHORE HARDNESS TESTERS (HSD scale) determine the hardness of the rolling rolls
by the height of the rebound of the striker, and the Shore hardness meter (scales HA, HD, HC)
determines the hardness of rubber, polymers and porous materials by introducing an indenter into
the surface of the material.
       5. PORTABLE T HARDNESS TESTERS measure the hardness of ferrous, non-ferrous
metals, stainless and low alloy steels, using the direct method of the Lieb scale (HL) with the
conversion of hardness values ​​to the values ​​of the corresponding standard scales of Rockwell
(HR), Brinell (HB), Vickers (HV) and Shore ( HSD).
     You can calibrate in a NAAU accredited laboratory "MICROTECH" in accordance with the
requirements of the standard ISO 17025-17, while "MICROTECH" performs service and repair of
hardness testers with their subsequent calibration.

Hardness tester There are 48 products.


  • Brinell hardness tester

    Stationary hardness testers MICROTECH type HBA and HBT are designed to measure the hardness of products, metals and alloys by Brinell methods on the HB scale with a load range of 306.5-29421 N. With a resolution of 0.1 HB.
    In terms of the degree of automation of the test cycle, the Brinell hardness tester MICROTECH HBT belongs to devices with an electronic drive for raising (lowering) the stage and an automatic cycle for applying (removing) test loads.
    There are modifications of the Brinell Hardness Tester with analog or indication and control on an 8 "touch screen.
    In the computerized Brinell hardness tester HBT, the type of scale, the test load, the type of indenter, the time of holding the sample under load, and the size of the print are entered using the touch screen of the device. The hardness value is automatically displayed digitally on the LCD. It is also possible to fully automate the measurement process.
    Stationary Brinell hardness testers MICROTECH are equipped with a prismatic, two flat stages and a set of indenters, an optical or digital CCD microscope.
    In terms of its technical and metrological characteristics, the hardness tester meets the requirements of GOST and ISO.
    All MICROTECH hardness testers pass metrological control in an ISO17025 accredited metrological laboratory.
    Warranty for hardness testers Brinell Kharkiv MICROTECH -12 months
    You can buy a Brinell hardness tester at MICROTECH or from one of the distributors.

  • Rockwell hardness tester

    Stationary hardness testers MICROTECH type HRA and HRT are designed to measure the hardness of products, metals and alloys by Rockwell methods on the HRA, HRB, HRC scale with a load range of 588-1471 N. With a resolution of 0.5 or 0.1 HR.
    In terms of the degree of automation of the test cycle, the Rockwell hardness tester MICROTECH HRT belongs to devices with an electronic drive for raising (lowering) the stage and an automatic cycle for applying (removing) test loads.
    There are modifications of the Rockwell Hardness Tester with analog or indication and control on an 8 inch touch screen.
    In the computerized Rockwell hardness tester HRT, the type of scale, test load, type of indenter, and the holding time of the sample under load are entered using the touch screen of the device. The hardness value is automatically displayed digitally on the LCD.
    Stationary Rockwell hardness testers MICROTECH are equipped with a prismatic, two flat tables and a set of indenters.
    In terms of its technical and metrological characteristics, the hardness tester meets the requirements of GOST and ISO.
    All MICROTECH hardness testers pass metrological control in an ISO17025 accredited metrological laboratory.
    Warranty for Rockwell hardness testers from Kharkiv MICROTECH -12 months
    You can buy a Rockwell hardness tester at MICROTECH or from one of the distributors.

  • Super Rockwell hardness tester

    Stationary hardness testers MICROTECH type HRSA and HRSD are designed to measure the hardness of products, metals and alloys using the Super-Rockwell methods on the HR scale with a load range of 147-441 N. With a resolution of 0.5 or 0.1 HR.
    In terms of the degree of automation of the test cycle, the Super-Rockwell hardness tester MICROTECH HRSD belongs to devices with an electronic drive for raising (lowering) the stage and an automatic cycle for applying (removing) test loads.
    There are modifications of the Super-Rockwell Hardness Tester with analog or indication and control on an 8 inch touch screen.
    In the computerized Super-Rockwell hardness tester HRSD-3, the type of scale, test load, type of indenter, time of holding the sample under load are entered using the touch screen of the device. The hardness value is automatically displayed digitally on the LCD.
    Stationary hardness testers Super-Rockwell MICROTECH are equipped with a prismatic, two flat tables and a set of indenters.
    In terms of its technical and metrological characteristics, the hardness tester meets the requirements of GOST and ISO.
    All MICROTECH hardness testers pass metrological control in an ISO17025 accredited metrological laboratory.
    Warranty for hardness testers Super-Rockwell Kharkiv MICROTECH -12 months
    You can buy a Super-Rockwell hardness tester at MICROTECH or from one of the distributors.

  • Vickers hardness tester

    Stationary hardness testers MICROTECH type HVD and HVT are designed to measure the hardness of products, metals and alloys by Vickers methods on the HV scale with a load range of 1.9 N. With a resolution of 0.1 HV.
    In terms of the degree of automation of the test cycle, the Vickers hardness tester MICROTECH HVT belongs to devices with an electronic drive for raising (lowering) the stage and an automatic cycle of applying (removing) test loads.
    There are modifications of the Vickers Hardness Tester with digital or indication and control on an 8 inch touch screen.
    In the computerized Vickers hardness tester HVT, the type of scale, test load, indenter type, sample holding time under load, and print size are entered using the touch screen of the device. The hardness value is automatically displayed digitally on the LCD. It is also possible to fully automate the measurement process.
    Stationary Vickers hardness testers MICROTECH are equipped with work tables with a supply, a set of indenters, an optical or digital CCD microscope with a resolution 0.025 microns.
    In terms of its technical and metrological characteristics, the hardness tester meets the requirements of GOST and ISO.
    All MICROTECH hardness testers pass metrological control in an ISO17025 accredited metrological laboratory.
    Warranty for Vickers hardness testers from Kharkiv MICROTECH -12 months
    You can buy a Vickers hardness tester at MICROTECH or from one of the distributors.

  • Micro hardness tester

    Stationary hardness testers MICROTECH type HVD and HVT are designed to measure the hardness of products, metals and alloys using the Micro-Vickers methods on the HV scale with a load range of 0.098 N. With a resolution of 0.1 HV.
    In terms of the degree of automation of the test cycle, the Micro-Vickers hardness tester MICROTECH HVT belongs to devices with an electronic drive for raising (lowering) the stage and an automatic cycle for applying (removing) test loads.
    There are modifications of the Micro-Vickers Hardness Tester with digital or indication and control on an 8-inch touch screen.
    In the microvikers computerized hardness tester HVT, the scale type, test load, indenter type, sample holding time under load, and print size are entered using the device's touchscreen display. The hardness value is automatically displayed digitally on the LCD. It is also possible to fully automate the measurement process.
    Micro-Vickers stationary hardness testers MICROTECH are equipped with work tables with supply, a set of indenters, optical or digital CCD microscope with a readout resolution of up to 0.025 microns.
    In terms of its technical and metrological characteristics, the hardness tester meets the requirements of GOST and ISO.
    All MICROTECH hardness testers pass metrological control in an ISO17025 accredited metrological laboratory.
    Warranty for Micro-Vickers hardness testers from Kharkiv MICROTECH -12 months
    You can buy a Miсro-Vickers hardness tester at MICROTECH or from one of the distributors.

  • Universal hardness tester
  • Portable hardness tester
  • Shore hardness tester

    MICROTECH offers hand-held Shore hardness testers type A and D with digital, analog measuring heads.
    Shore A hardness tester is designed for softer materials (rubber, polyurethane, car tires, silicone sealant, etc.) and has a hardened steel rod with a 0.79 mm apex diameter and a 35 degree apex angle. Downforce up to 1 kg.
    Shore durometer type D is designed for harder materials (plastics, rubbers, thermoplastics, etc.), and has a hardened steel rod with a peak diameter of 0.1 mm and a corner angle of 30 degrees. Downforce up to 5 kg.
    The analogue measuring head has the function of storing the peak value 1 HA resolution and a range of 10-90 HA
    The digital measuring head has the function of storing the peak value with a resolution of 0.5 HA and a range of 0-100 HA
    The computer measuring head has the function of storing the peak value, PR / NOT, internal memory, conversion of scales, wireless transmission of measurement data to a PC or tablet, resolution 0.1 HA and range 0-100 HA

    All Shore hardness testers MICROTECH pass metrological control in an ISO17205 accredited metrological laboratory. Shor hardness testers are guaranteed for 12 months.

  • Hardness Kit